Routing Map for the Trailer Mounted Pump Station Demonstration Units
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See preview image at left, and complete routing map below, displaying the tentative paths of the four trailer-mounted EVERLAST® Wet Well Mounted Pump Stations dedicated to representative sales demonstrations, one of which will be in your region soon! The map displays proposed paths for the upcoming year, it does not indicate specific timeframes for handoffs between rep firms.

Please take a few minutes to review the proposed paths and provide us with any feedback you may have. This map was created to be a guide, the exact schedule of the trailer once it is handed off is still up to you and can be changed up until the last moment.  
We will follow-up with individual reps to provide updated maps, schedules and handoff details. At that time, we will provide you with promotional materials including a printed flyer and email invite. We encourage you to make use of these items as they can be a great resource to help you schedule demos and maximize your benefit from this excellent sales tool.

It is our goal to provide each rep with regular use of a demo unit at least once a year with an adequate amount of time to conduct sales demonstrations. Please contact Bob Durdee at or 913-888-5201 with any general comments or to further discuss the enclosed routing map.  

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